يشرفني أن أضع بين أيدي المثقفين والفنانين المحترمين والشرفاء بعضا من مقتطفات للفنان بكير .. يؤكد فيها للعالم أن أول بيناللي في العالم على مستوى عالمي كان في مصر في تاريخ 15 / 11 / 1869 جمع الملوك والرؤساء والشعب ..ووضعت فيه أسس البروتوكولات البينالية ....وقد قامت الأكاديميات الأوربية مجتمعة على تعتيم البحث الذي قدمه الفنان بكير لعدة جهات أكاديمية في أوروبا وقد شارك في هذا التعتيم حكومة مصر المخلوعة نظير معونات تقدمها دول هذه الأكاديميات لمصر كان يستفيد منها الحاكم وحاشيته في حسابهم الخاص.............................أرجوا من المثقفين والفنانين المحترمين الشرفاء من يعشقون هذا البلد العريق بحضاراته العمل على استرداد أحقية مصر الثقافية والفنية لهذا اللقب ..الذي يعمل كثير من الخائنين لهذا البلد العظيم بمشاركتهم وتعاونهم مع تلك الصالونات الخريفية والجمعيات الوهمية في أوروبا على تدمير الثقافة العربية بمختلف أنواعها ....لنقرأ تلك المقتطفات بعناية بالغة ...Due Alpinalat First of cultural policies in Egypt to the era of Muhammad Ali (1805 - 1849)
Who rode in Egypt for Turkey after three centuries of Ottoman rule.
Muhammad Ali has aspired to inherit the property of the establishment of the empire of the Ottoman Empire, and to achieve
Ambitions created the strong army of the Egyptians, and founded his first regular Egyptian government,
Followed by a number of departments and the bureaucracy have enacted laws and regulations to serve the purposes
Military, and in that period came the nucleus of cultural facilities as a product of modernization
European sense, including Aldfterkhana to save documents and government records, and independent schools for
Al-Azhar after the education was limited by the Koranic schools, Al-Azhar, was also sent
Educational missions to be a bridge between Europe and Bnhitha modern education, and Egypt, which Began to take its first steps of modernity, not only on science missions of the Applied
Military science, medicine and engineering, but students completed a first mission (Hassan Effendi
Wardani) study of painting and decorative and fine arts in France. And continued to send students
Others to study the fine arts, including architecture, Hussein Effendi, the author of Drawing and Sizes Mosque
Rifai in Cairo ().
Was founded by Muhammad Ali princely printing press in 1820 for the printing of government publications and scientific books
And literary and theological and translations made by the returnees from the missions, and Muhammad Ali
Offers generous rewards for writers and translators and their work is printed at government expense It was the result of this connection between Egypt and Europe, the appearance of characters played an important role in spreading education and culture Crvaah Tahtawi which established a school of translation (School of Languages).
Have also been newspaper "Gazette" in 1828, which has Tahtawi after heading the edit Pettmserha in 1842 where she was issued in Turkish and Arabic clumsy, and make their pages a forum for literary and cultural materials in general ().
He was able to convince Muhammad Ali Tahtawi issued decree prevents the Egyptian antiquities smuggling and trafficking, and established the first museum of Egyptian antiquities Balozpkah in 1835, the Khedive Abbas, who succeeded Muhammad Ali has donated full sets of the Uzbek Museum of the effects of a foreign princes ().
Has formed the first nucleus of interest in the effects in 1858 during the reign of Khedive Said, while all of the excavation to Mariette Pasha, in 1863 in during the reign of Khedive Ismail, was opened under the name of Bulaq Museum "House of Antiquities".
Have completed the Khedive Ismail, as initiated by his grandfather from the update, and assisted by Ali Pasha Mubarak, who was appointed as an agent for the Ministry of Education (Public office schools) The work on the promotion of education to transfer a number of Koranic schools to regular schools and established many of the schools in Cairo and the provinces, and issued a list of school organization approved by the Khedive in 1868 and established a school house science graduate teachers, and was Alonaftiatr (runway) is also the most important achievements of that era, which is included to give public lectures to educate students in various branches, also issued a magazine "kindergarten schools" in 1870 at the expense of the Ministry of Education, which meant educate students and to advocate the importance of education, which called for Tahtawi on their front pages to the education of women and articles devoted to it, and actually opened the first school for girls in 1873 Prince Taz Palace, created by one of the wives of the Khedive Ismail One of the main achievements of the reign of Khedive Ismail, the establishment of Ketboukhana (Library) in 1870, one of the most important cultural institutions, so far, has been created as Ketbkhana Paris proposal of Ali Pasha Mubarak, who has collected books for home and work regulation on management and conservation by the loss.
Was marked by the era of Khedive Ismail, in general, the establishment of scientific societies, including:
• Academy: scientific body that has the French campaign founded in 1798 and then was canceled after the departure of the campaign, and the Khedive Said Bahaaúh again in Alexandria, 1859, and flourished during the reign of Khedive Ismail, especially in the dissemination of scientific research and has had periodic and follows the administrative Ministry of Works.
• Knowledge Society: Founded in 1868, an association for the dissemination of scientific culture by writing, printing and publishing, has increased the number of members 660 members.
• Khedivial Geographic Society was founded in 1875 for the dissemination of geographical, scientific research, and her Journal to publish research and discoveries.
• Islamic Charitable Society was founded in Alexandria in 1878 the efforts of Abdullah Nadeem face of foreign influence, and the Assembly to open schools for the education of girls and boys, and advocacy for the discipline of ethics, and helping the poor, and lectures, speeches, and had a list, and the government paid them an annual subsidy, and had a branch in Cairo and another in Damietta.
But the most important feature of the era of Khedive Ismail, is to create theater comedy Balozpkah in 1868 and then the Opera House in 1869, in Alexandria, established the Theatre and Theatre Zezenia Ferry ().
As a result of the opening up Egypt to the world and turned into a cosmopolitan state, and their interaction and absorbed the cultures and arts of other peoples, the spirit of modernity also moved to the music and singing came out of a dress usually grab by a slave to Hamoli methods and other new tunes. Flourished as the press and varied colors of the press and scientific literature and war, and humor to the political contributed to inflame the national feeling of the Egyptians and paved the way for a revolution Orabi, and it was the most prominent writers Jacob Snoa and Abdullah al-Nadim, Jamal al-Afghani and other Egyptian and Hwam Xlam talk and Adib Ishaq came to Egypt to escape the filter sectarianism, which plotted the Sublime Porte in Lebanon and Syria in the year 1860 ().
• British occupation
After the occurrence of Egypt in the grip of the English occupation increased the pace of modernization as a result of the integration of Egypt in full in the capital market world, were established network of tram Cairo in 1896, which he strapped suburbs to each other and easy to move from one place to another widespread among theaters and galleries, dance and singing, as the number of literary and scientific and religious, including the Egyptian Medical Association, the Agricultural Society, the Society of the sun of Islam in 1898, and in 1904 formed the Society for Revival of Arab Sciences, the Club was founded high school students in 1906 and the Society "flower of Arts" in 1909 and the YMCA in 1910 and club workers, 1912, and so on successively the appearance of such These associations, clubs, and lectures were received by the literary, scientific, religious, and sings the poems ().
May lay the foundation stone for the House of Egyptian antiquities (Egyptian Museum) in 1897 and inaugurated in 1902, and in the same year was built Library and Dar Al-Athar Arab (Islamic Museum) door creation.
Has also been opened for discussion in regards to women's rights and emancipation with the release of the book of women's liberation Qasim Amin in 1899, public support Islam for a long time.
Allowing the tram to the opportunity to ensure residents of the capital outside the home to the late hours of the night, this was not common before, turned to young people to go to theaters and galleries, dance and cinema.
The theater, known in 1896 the Arab theater to Abu Khalil Qabbani Street, Abdul Aziz and Dar Arab representation for the safety of Hegazi Street door Maritime Park Uzbek, and theater Egypt Arab Iskandar Farah, theater Abbasi, also came to Egypt teams from Syria, including in 1896 the Task Nicola Massabna the play, It also consisted of several teams, including the band "pleasure" to George Michael in 1896 by the composer Sayed Darwish feat to represent many of her roles, and in 1898 A. Solomon Kurdahi theater group brought together by the king of pleasure singer, actress Labibah ms .. But here .. The artist emphasizes academic Professor Nabil Bakir
The opening ceremony of the Suez Canal is the first in the world Benalli Khedive Ismail called for emperors and kings of the world and their spouses to attend the opening ceremony of the Suez Canal, which was in November 16, 1869, was a legendary concert.
It was natural that the first is the interest in apparel Asaker and private workers passports and health because they are in the forefront of the future of the Kings also takes into account interest in clean city and urged the traders on the supply of vegetables, meat and large fish to Port Said to meet the increasing demands also takes into account to bring snow from Cairo as well as equipped with a number of ships to bring guests from Alexandria to Port Said.
In early November 1869 the most serious Lesseps Port Said that the Khedive was authorized to start preparing decorations and was immediately clear the streets and arrange Asaker necessary to maintain security and filled with Port invitees and the Khedive had asked the directors of the regions to attend a number of people's Pencaúhm and their children to attend the opening ceremony Vantchroa on the line of the channel farmers and the Nubians, Arban traditional clothes so that the Empress Eugenie wired to Emperor Napoleon III that the celebration was a luxury and not see it like him in her life and to make matters pomp is lining up the army and the Egyptian fleet in the port of Port Said in addition to Fayalgah on the banks of the canal.
And set up 3 rigs green covered with silk allocated Grand kings, princes, and the second to the right of Muslim clerics, including Sheikh Mustafa Laroussi and Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Sakka and the third for the left devoted to the Christian clergy and sat platform Grand Khedive Ismail and Monsieur de space and the Empress Eugenie Empress of France, Francois Joseph Emperor of Austria and king of Hungary and the Crown Prince of Prussia and Prince Henry's brother, king of the Netherlands and the ambassador of England, Russia, Astana and it is Mohamed Tawfiq, the Crown Prince and Prince Toson's son, Mohammed Said Pasha and Sheriff Pasha, Nubar Pasha, Emir Abdelkader The total number of guests with the merits of high approximately six thousand invited and even on November 15 had been called five hundred cooker of Marseille, Genoa and Trieste. .....وشكرا لكم مع تمنياتي أن تنال تلك المقتطفات أهتمام الشرفاء من المثقفين والفنانين الغيوريين على حضارة مصر والوطن العربي.......الفنانة مرام نبيل بكير
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